Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Concrete Wave Photo Annual

Got some new images in the Concrete Wave Photo Annual.
Kenny Wright
Scotty VerMerris (large photo)
Cory Zila

Derek Smith, Honey Skateboard Ad

Snowboard Colorado Magazine

Last spring Snowboard Colorado Magazine hosted a big photo shoot at Breckenridge resort. My photo of Matt Guess from that day made it in the new January issue.

Icelantic Catalog

Once again I got to photograph and help design next year's 2012-2013 Icelantic catalog. I have been doing this job for a few years now and every year it gets Bigger and Badder. This year was no different! Below are some out takes from the company portraits, yep they got naked. Stop by the Icelantic booth at SIA to see the final catalog and company portrait!
Ben took his shirt off while Scotty tried to hide from the camera

Ashley and Sam got naked for Anna

Don't drop that Sheet!

Oliver wouldn't miss out on this shoot

Snowboard World Cup

In December Bern helmets sent me to Telluride to cover their athletes competing at the Snowboard World Cup. It was incredible to work with Seth Wescott, Lindsey Jacobellis, Nick Baumgartner, Graham Watanabe and Ross Powers. I can't share too many photos but if you ever get the chance to go to Telluride, don't pass it up.
The view from town