Wednesday, December 7, 2011

1st Resort Day

Last week I got the chance to shred Copper Mountain with the So-Gnar crew at Copper Mountain. It was my first day riding at the resort this season. Blue sky's and warm temperatures made for a great day. There was limited snow and trails but everyone got the chance to get barreled in some snow.
Pat Milbery, Steve Cummings, and Aaron Ezman get geared up for the day.

The crew strolls over to the empty slopes

There's no question that Pat Milbery knows how to do a proper slash.

Aaron Ezman barrels himself

Pat Milbery slashing pow as high as the sun

Pat Milbery warms up his tricks for the season with a back one

Aaron Ezman stomps the wall ride

Aaron gives the camera some love after a super fun day

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